Il blog di Neri Fadigati. All rights reserved.

giovedì 4 giugno 2015


Course:       ADM 341 – Photography for the Media
Semester: Summer School 2015
Instructor: Professor NERI FADIGATI
Class Location: Classroom X, Via de' Velluti, 19
Class Meeting Time: Monday to Thursday 12:00-2:30pm
+ Thursday, July 2 Final Critiques (12:00-2:00pm)
Office Hours: Available for individual meetings every day after class

VLE (Virtual Learning Environment: Blackboard will provide the Virtual Learning Environment from Fall 2014 onwards, and can be accessed via the portal (
This syllabus should be read in conjunction with the Course Specification Document; the University Catalogue; and the relevant Programme Specification (via the University’s website

Course Description
Recommended for communications and journalism majors as well as photographers, this course develops knowledge and experience in photojournalism and documentary photography by studying work of major practitioners, and designing and shooting projects using digital equipment. Students need to provide a digital camera of at least 7 mega pixel and a laptop. There is a fee of 50 Euro for developing.
Prerequisites: None
Aims And Objectives
The course aims to analyse the working style of great masters of documentary photography. Students will be requested to do their own researches, presenting in class photos taken by the studied photographers.
The course aims to involve students in developing four photojournalistic projects:
1.             1) Portraying Florence from a personal point of view;
2.             2) Focusing on the differences between the American and the European way of life 
3.             3) Developing a picture story on The Italians, that will include headline and captions.
4.             4) Focusing on a specific theme connected with Italian society and culture, as chosen by the individual student and relevant as a journalistic assignment.
The overall objective of the course is to enable the students to set up a project in the form of an article, including photos, headline and captions.
A press photo assignment, covering an event, will also be part of the program.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, successful students are expected to:

1.             1. Demonstrate a competent use of the digital SLR camera.
Threshold (to get a C): The student will demonstrate a basic competence, both in theory and in practice, in the understanding of black & white photographic skills including exposure controls, focusing and composing effective photographs. 
Assessment Method: the three projects

1.             2. Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of narrative in photography and some familiarity with its historical and contemporary practitioners.
Threshold (to get a C):  The student will demonstrate basic competence in identifying and critically considering a range of photographic artists whose ideas and technique provide stimulus for creative production. Assessment Method: Mid Term/Final Projects

1.             3. Demonstrate a constructive self-criticism of their photographic work.
Threshold (to get a C): The student will develop to a level of basic competence a critical methodology and discourse in response to discussion of other artist’s work, their own work and the work of fellow students. Assessment Method:  Mid Term/Final Projects

1.             4. Demonstrate the first stages in the process of developing a personal vision.
Threshold (to get a C):  The student will produce a thematic body of technically and conceptually competent photographic images. 
            Assessment Method: Final Project
1.             5. Plan, organize & perform a photojournalistic/documentary project
Threshold (to get a C): the student should demonstrate to be able to cover different kind of assignments, a press photo assignment as well as a documentary project. Assessment Method:   Final Project
1.             6. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the history of photojournalism and fine art photography in the 20th Century.
Threshold (to get a C): the student should be able to identify the main styles established in both USA and Europe in the 1900s, as well as the work of some of the most important photojournalists and documentary photographers. He will also be asked to demonstrate a basic knowledge of the use of the photographic medium in contemporary art.
Assessment Method: Final Project

Indicative Content:
                  Site visits
                  How the camera works
                  Exposure, controlling motion and depth of field
                  Outdoor practical work
                  Elements of composition
                  File management:  editing and adjusting
                  How to ‘read’ an image
                  History of Photography
                  Press photography
                  Critical and analytical strategies
      Presenting your work: statement, presentation and portfolio

Programme outcomes are listed in the programme specifications found at

Method used will be experimental, through theoretical lectures, practical demonstrations, slide shows, visits of photo exhibitions, field trips, videos, collective critiques, photo magazines and books readings, constant interaction professor/student. The class will meet two times a week for twelve weeks, for a total of 75 contact hours. The course will consist of theoretical lectures and practical work on location each week. Two assignments given by the professor and the mid-term check test will count as mid-term examination, a third project given by the professor, a final project chosen by the student and the final portfolio will count as final examination. Students will work with film, every week the best photos taken will be enlarged to form the final portfolio.

Assessment Criteria
All assessment criteria conform with university assessment norms (Richmond University Special Programme Assessment Norms for ADD PROGRAMME ). These can be found at:

Weighting Criteria                                                                              
The final grade for the course will be compounded from the following:

Portfolio 30 %
(best photographs taken during the entire course,
including assignment 1 and 2)
Mid Term Project 30 %
Final Project 40 %
TOTAL                                                                                                100%

The instructor will give 4 assignments. Mid-term project: consist of taking a series of pictures grade focusing on the differences between the American and the European way of life.  The Final project will be on a theme chosen by each student individually and agreed upon with the instructor.

First Assignment: “Portraying Florence from a personal point of view”, due by June 10th.
It consists of presenting six photos (.jpg) in a folder under student name.1, title and short explanation text (10 lines approx. printed)
Second Assignment: “The Italians”, due by June 17th
It consists of presenting six photos (.jpg) in a folder under student name.1, title and short explanation text (10 lines approx. printed)
Mid Term project: (due by June 24th) - 30% of final grade.
“Focusing on the differences between the American and the European way of life”.
The assignment consists of: presenting six photos (.jpg) in a folder under student name.1, title and short explanation text (10 lines approx. printed)
Final project (Wednesday July 1) - 40% of final grade.
The exam consists of: presenting a project on a topic chosen by the student; the theme has to be relevant as a journalistic assignment. Possibly, it will be connected with Italian society and culture. Each student will set up the project in the form of an article that will incorporate headline, captions and a short text (it must be in the 1,800/2,500 character ranges, spaces included; to check this go to: File>Properties>Statistics). The article will include eight photos and will be at least four pages long. Students have to hand in: the eight photos in the form of .jpeg files; the article saved as a PDF file; the copy of the article, printed on paper and stapled. It counts for 40% of the final course grade.


This class follows the Late Submission of Coursework Policy and Feedback Norms outlined below and found at 

Marking Scheme
The requirements for each piece of assessed work are clearly specified in the assignment details. However, the following general criteria apply to all work:

Grading Criteria
Detailed Descriptor
Grade A applies only to the exceptional piece of work which:
 demonstrates that substantial work and thought has been involved.
 exhibits meaning or cogent argument.
 demonstrates a high level of creativity and is well supported by strongevidence of visual and other research.
Outstanding work: A
Superior work: A-
Grade B applies to work which:
 has been completed with a degree of diligence and thoroughness whichhas evidently aimed to get the most learning out of the project.
 goes beyond superficialities and seeks a more questioning, analytical and thoughtful solution.
 goes beyond basic required levels of visual and other research.
 indicates an increasing ability to incorporate meaning into the work and understand key theories, debates and criticisms.
Work approaching an A category: B+
Very good work: B
Good quality work: B-
Grade C applies to work which:
 is basically competent although undeveloped.
 fulfills the requirements of the project at a foundation level in terms of its quality, analysis and expression.
 shows an adequate ability to work with the material/media and the skill to present the final artwork coherently.
 incorporates an acceptable level of research.
Work showing signs of reaching above the average: C+ Average work: C
Work that is struggling to achieve average standards: C-
Below Average/Poor
Grade D applies to work which:
 has been produced without a proper understanding of the brief.
 is weak in content and shows little evidence of thought or application.
 relies on weak or superficial technique.
 incorporates insufficient visual or other research.
Weak work: D+
Very poor work: D
Unsatisfactory work: D-
Grade F applies to work which:
 has not been submitted or has been submitted beyond the project deadline.
 shows a complete lack of content, thought or application.
 lacks any visual or other research.
 is technically incompetent.
 is the product of academic dishonesty.
 does not fulfill the brief.
Failing work: F

Other Academic Information (optional):
Students need to provide a digital camera of at least 7 mega pixel and a laptop.
Students have to budget approx. 50,00 €. fee for printing, museum entrances and for matting and framing. Remember to have your Museums card, and ID document and cash on you when you go on site visits with the class. A strict dress code exists in Italian churches and places of worship. You will not be allowed in if you are exposing too much of your body. That means ensuring that on days that we are not in class you are not wearing mini skirts, very short shorts or strap tops (or that you bring some other clothes that will cover you up some more).

Required Texts
There is not a text-book. Students will find a Course Reader at a copy store ready to make photocopies (cost around 10,00 Euro). The copy store is: Lory, located in Piazza Frescobaldi, 3 minutes walking from School. Students are also encouraged to write notes during lectures.

Recommended Reading & Additional Resources
Roland Barthes, Camera Lucida, Vintage, 1981
Various Authors, In Our Time, The World as Seeing by Magnum Photographers, W.W. Norton & Co., 1994
Charlotte Cotton, The Photograph as Contemporary Art, London

On Photography
Photo Agencies
Sebastiao Salgado (Sebastiao Salgado)
Photographers (Ernst Haas)
htpp:// (James Nachtway) (Steve McCurry)

Full Course Schedule
June 3 – Introduction to the course. How a 35mm camera works, lens and angle of view, determining exposure.
First assignment given: “Portraying Florence from a personal point of view”.
June 4 – Exposure, Law of Reciprocity, controlling motion and depth of field.
Practical work outdoor (shooting in San Frediano).
June 8 – Iso number and white balance (color management).
Practice on location, shooting at the Boboli Gardens (Museum Card needed).
June 9 – File managing: transferring, editing and adjusting 1.
Practice on location, shooting at Forte Belvedere.
June 10 – File managing: transferring, editing and adjusting 2.
First assignment to be handed in: six photos (.jpg) in a folder under student name.1; title and short explanation text (10 lines approx. printed)
June 11 – First assignment critique.
“Portraying Florence from a personal point of view”. Presentation of the six photos

June 15 – Slide presentation: “Elements of Composition”, Photographic seeing and Imaginary Photography. Field trip to the “Bardini Gardens (Museum Card needed).
Second assignment given: “Differences between the American and the European way of life”.
June 16 - Color management - Visit to a photo exhibition.
June 17 –Slide show: “Sebastiao Salgado, Documentary Photographer”.
Second Assignment to be handed in: six photos (.jpg) in a folder under student name.1, title and short explanation text (10 lines approx. printed).

June 18 – Second assignment critique.
“Differences between the American and the European way of life”. Presentation of the six photos.
June 22 – Practice on location (shooting at the Sant'Ambrogio Market).
Mid Term Project given: “The Italians”.
June 23 – Practice on location (shooting at the San Lorenzo Market)
June 24 – Third assignment to be handed in: six photos (.jpg) in a folder under student name.1, title and short explanation text (10 lines approx. printed).
June 25 – Mid Term Project critique.
“The Italians”. Presentation of the six photos.

June 29 – Practice on location (visit to the abbey of San Miniato).
June 30 – Program review
July 1 – Written Check Test and matting the final portfolio. Final Project to be handed in. Students have to hand in: the eight photos in the form of .jpeg files; the article saved as a PDF file; the copy of the article, printed on paper and stapled.
July 2 – Final Project Critique:

All grades being used for OU-validated degrees are subject to confirmation at the Final Assessment board.
Academic Policies (see also:

Students must read and comply with all the requirements of the regulations and policies listed at the weblinks below.

Academic Dishonesty 
Academic dishonesty is any action by which a student in any academic exercise seeks to: claim credit for the intellectual or artistic work of another person; or uses unauthorized materials or fabricated information; or engages in an unauthorized editing process.
You can find a list of the actions that might lead to you committing academic dishonesty on the web pages. If you are not sure about what would constitute dishonesty after reading the full policy details you should ask for more information from the course instructor, your academic advisor, another member of academic staff, the Writing Centre, or Student Affairs.

Full details of Richmond’s Academic Dishonesty policy are found at:

Students who are academically dishonest will receive a penalty for the work in question or the course as a whole (which may in turn impact upon their degree classification), depending on the importance of the work to the overall course grade and the judgment of the instructor and the relevant exam board.

The Richmond Attendance Policy
Full details of Richmond’s attendance and lateness policies are found at:

Attendance is required in all courses. In any course, students who accumulate more than the permitted number of absences, regardless of the reason, will receive an attendance failure (grade of F) unless they withdraw from the course.

Course timing
Limit on absences before attendance failure
courses that meet twice a week
no more than 4 absences
courses that meet once a week
no more than 2 absences
Summer semester courses
no more than 2 absences
EAP Program
no more than 4 class sessions

Absence Recording
Attendance is taken by instructors in on-line registers within the university's student records system.  Attendance in all courses is taken from the first day of classes. 

Students must be aware that the University is obliged to report to the UK Border Agency any student who is in the UK on a student visa, but who is not attending classes regularly. 
Students should note in particular that illness does not automatically excuse an absence from class.  Any absence from a class session does not exempt a student from the completion of all required work for a course.
Students must also be aware of the requirements of the Lateness to Classes and Examinations guidance.

It should also be emphasized that if a student is late for a class session, and enters after attendance has been taken (and an absence has been registered), it is his or her responsibility to alert the instructor to this immediately after class. Changing an attendance entry from “absent” to “late” is entirely at the discretion of the instructor, and such a change will not be considered at any other time than the actual date of the late entry. 

Late submission of academic work:
Any item of work submitted late will be subject to an automatic deduction of one increment on the letter grade scale (e.g. the grade will be reduced from B to B-, or from C- to D+) per day.

Any coursework submitted more than one week (seven days) after the original deadline will receive a grade of F.
Where there are mitigating circumstances for the late submission the instructor must be informed in advance, by email, and evidence provided to the instructor in writing when the course work is submitted.

Feedback Norms
The university has defined expectations as to the nature and timeliness of feedback on assigned work.  Students should make themselves aware of these norms, and they are located on the portal at:

Examination Regulations:
Guidance on examination regulations and expected behavior for students can be found at: (  However, please note particularly the following University Policies:

Midterm exams, if scheduled, are normally held during the designated week published in the academic calendar and distributed to students during Orientation meeting.  Any faculty member wishing to hold a midterm on a different date requires the approval of the Dean, and will inform students accordingly.

Final examinations in the summer session take place on a single day following the last day of classes.  Summer exams are held in the same timeslot as class sessions on Thursday July 2nd.

Students are responsible for remaining in the study centre until the end of the official examination period – the university reserves the right to make any necessary changes to the schedule.  Any such changes to the schedule will be centrally-administered by the study centre directors and reported to students.

Students and instructors may not make private arrangements to reschedule any University exams.  Requests for an opportunity to re-sit must be made to the Academic Progress Committee via the study centre Director.

Students must bring photo ID cards to every examination.
Academic support for studies:
The University Writing Center and Language Workshop (based on the London campus) are available to all students who want help with academic tasks. 

Library staff can help students with questions about research and/or accessing information. Book an appointment with a librarian (

Study Centre students may also access the electronic resources of the main Richmond campus library.  If you wish to be issued with a username and password for this purpose, please contact and/or

Students with Disabilities:
The University makes a variety of special provisions in exams and assessment for students with a diagnosed learning disability.  Students must follow the requirements outlined at  for these arrangements to be made, and it is important that this is done in good time.  The student and their instructors are informed of the provisions after they are approved, and reminders are sent to students and invigilators shortly before the examinations.

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